Daring to be different... To make things better!

At the beginning, there were three friends, whose paths crossed in Asia in the 80's during their international careers. What brought them back together again, 20 years later, was their strong desire to undertake new projects together, based on common innovative ideas and a holistic approach to product development. In 2006 they founded Evergreen Land. Today, thanks to an integrated R&D, Evergreen Land develops and markets several brands and products based on innovative concepts with patented technologies.

This is how the PARA’KITO® brand was born.

Now present in more than 30 countries, the famous PARA’KITO® wristbands reduce your mosquito appeal thanks to a patented technology encompassing both the impregnation and the chrono-diffusion of essential oils. Without any skin contact, they represent an alternative, perfectly safe protection solution, particularly adapted to children, pregnant women and those with sensitive skin.

In line with its mission, PARA'KITO® wanted to offer a new generation of topical (applied to the skin) repellents to combat mosquitoes and ticks, that would achieve the feat of combining repellent actives’ effective formulations & safety; to provide optimal protection you can trust.

PARA’KITO® - Expert in protection against mosquitoes & ticks

A sustainable environmental approach

- Respect of the environment & reduction of the carbon footprint: following a “Zero Waste” policy in our factories, using biodegradable and reusable materials, and refillable systems

- Supporting the MASARANG NGO (Indonesia) for the preservation and the reintegration of endangered species

Daring to be different requires time...

It took more than 3 years of Research & Development and a team of determined biochemists, all perfectly aligned with their mission’s values and requirements, to develop formulation technologies leading to 2 new patents. Those innovations are the foundation of the new PARA'KITO® Derm topical range. With its 2 product ranges PARA'KITO® Diffuz (wristbands and clips) and PARA'KITO® Derm (sprays and roll-ons), the whole PARA'KITO® story is taking a new shape; thus us the story we would like to share with you here.