PARA’KITO® Sprays: “Arm-in-Cage” test protocol

The efficacy of our topical formulae (gels and dry oils contained in PARA’KITO® sprays and roll-ons) is proven by the so-called « arm-in-cage » test, with following protocol which is recommended by the W.H.O.:

The product to be tested is applied on one forearm (1g/600 cm2), before being introduced in a 50 x 50 x 30 cm Plexiglas cage, containing 50 adult female tiger mosquitoes – Aedes albopictus – (or other species). The aggressiveness of these mosquitoes has previously been tested on a forearm with no product (“control-arm”, for which at least 10 landing attempts/bites were observed within 30 seconds).

Each test lasts 3 minutes, during which the bite attempts are counted, and this is repeated (without reapplying the product) every hour for a maximum of 8 hours (or more).

The efficacy is measured in percentage of mosquito landings number inhibition, between treated and control arms.

This test rigorously follows the ECHA (Biocide EU), WHO and USA EPA guidelines:

  • WHO Guidelines for efficacy testing of mosquito repellents for human skin, 2009.
  • ECHA (EUROPEAN CHEMICALS AGENCY) Guidance on the Biocidal Products Regulation – Volume II Efficacy – Assessment and Evaluation (Parts B + C), Version 3.0 – April 2018.
  • USA EPA (USA Environment Protection Agency), EPA Product performance test guidelines OPPTS 810-3700: insect repellents to be applied on human skin, July 7, 2010.

PARA’KITO® Pellets: “Two Arms-in-Cage” test protocol

The PARA’KITO® pellets, designed to be inserted in our wristbands, have a “masking” effect, reducing the olfactive signals emitted by the person wearing them.

In the absence of standardized testing protocols for spatial repellent products (*) within the European guidelines, we have our products’ efficacy tested according to a specific protocol, developed by an Italian laboratory specialized in Aedes albopictus (tiger mosquito), in collaboration with the Padova University.

(*) ECHA (EUROPEAN CHEMICALS AGENCY) Guidance on the Biocidal Products Regulation – Volume II Efficacy – Assessment and Evaluation (Parts B + C), Version 3.0 – April 2018, page 234

Testing protocol description TAC:

A cubic plexiglass cage, containing 30 to 50 tiger mosquitoes is linked through 2 holes to 2 plexiglass parallel tubes. Each tube is divided in 2 parts by a net inside.

A volunteer places one arm at the entrance of each tube and an active air flow brings attractive body odors towards the mosquitoes inside the cage: one arm with no wristband (control arm) and one arm wearing a PARA’KITO® wristband.

In the absence of masking volatile components (control arm), mosquitoes are very rapidly attracted and come flying in the first part of the tubes, reaching the net. After 3 minutes, the entrance of both tubes is closed by sliding doors and mosquitoes are counted. The mosquito repellent masking effect of the wristband (efficacy percentage) is quantified by counting mosquitoes in the control tube versus the tube with wristband and pellet.

The test is done with different volunteers, with 4 replications per volunteer. The position of the wristband (left hand – right hand) is changed alternately for each replication. The frequency of the test is 30 minutes and the air is actively cleaned between each experiences.